In 2011, my life came crashing down just a few days before Christmas when I got fired from my job.
We had started our Amazon business earlier that year (which at the time was just a side hustle), so I went to our little 250 square foot office and cried for hours. I was absolutely devastated. I didn’t know what to do… Our fledgling wholesale business couldn’t support me, let alone my wife and newborn daughter. Overcome by shame and fear, I decided to lie and tell my wife that I had quit my job. She cried and begged me to get my job back. It was easily the worst day of my life.
I grew up in the very poor community of Williamsburg, Kentucky where nothing is given and everything must be earned. After my parents divorced when I was five, it was up to my mom to raise me and my two brothers. Even in the bleakest of moments, my mom never gave up. She was a fighter and a warrior, and that’s a temperament she instilled in me.